11 November 2013

Denim and Fur

Hellllloooo Filers!
Its Bee 1/2 of Fashion Files Squared!

This week we are bringing you the DENIM FILES: Ways to Wear Denim!

Check us out all week long with ways to wear denim!

Denim is a VERY Hawt trend right now and has been for the past few seasons! So it was only befitting that we give you some ways you can spice up your regular denim clothing or create new ways to wear it.

I personally decided to play with two different color denims which is something I have never tried! I added a vintage fur vest just to play around with the fall trends and I have to say I loved this look!

Check out the photos below along outfit Deets!

Check back for this week for Dee's Denim addition!!

Until the next File!

 Fur Vest: Vintage
Top: Vintage
pants: TJ Maxx

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